Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Rotterdam Marathon

I seem to have skipped a few days. Happens sometimes I guess... Anyway, I ran the Rotterdam marathon on Sunday. I posted my usual time of 3:58. I don't know how I came up with my race strategy, but it went something like this. Run as far as I can with my heart rate at 170 (I normally run at 155). Once my legs explode, hang on and use the experience as mental training. What an idiot. At 32kms my legs went and the last 10 were not the greatest. I knew I needed energy, but the dates I normally eat on long runs just didn't quite fit the bill. I found myself craving extran energy drink at the water stations. So, I've learned a couple of lessons.
1. Don't make up your training strategy as you go along. Stick to the pre-race plan (I should have had one).
2. If I'm going to push it, I won't be able to eat solid fuel. So, I'm going to buy a second platypus and fill it with energy drink, that was I'll have plain water, dates and energy drink available on long runs.

The day after the marathon I ran again and felt good. Legs were a little sore, but not too bad. Then on Tuesday it got a little heated at work, so I only ended up swimming. I then made the mistake of not leaving work were it belongs, in the office. I got only a couple of hours sleep because work issues were circling around my mind. So today was an enforced rest day. I thought I sorted out how to leave work at work, but sometimes it just seems impossible. I'll just have to try better next time.

I still need to work on my training schedule. Something for the weekend, I think.

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