Friday, April 4, 2008


Always the best day of the week. I woke up at 05:30 and was running in the dunes by 06:00. The sun was still just making a smudge on the horizon and the birds were busy with the dawn chorus. The rabbits were everywhere and the dear were sprinting out of my way as a barn owl flew low over my head on it's final hunt of the night. I made my way to the beach for a 5km stretch before heading back inland. Really not a bad way to start a Friday. 16.5 kms later I was back home and ready for a typical Friday at work. Drive office, breakfast (cornflakes with chocolate soya milk), meetings, then a long lunch at cafe de wink with some of my team. Afternoon involved a few more meetings, then squash and the long drive home. Now it's time to kick back, open a bottle of wine and enjoy the evening before my only rest day.

In short, heaven....

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