Thursday, June 26, 2008

Slow recovery

I'm still in recovery mode at the moment. My mum is over for a visit and I'm running for an hour max per day. I hope within 2 weeks I'll be fully back up to speed. Right now I've got a bit of a sore throat again, so I'm taking it real easy. The weather is fantastic, so running in the mornings isn't a problem and having a week off from work is allowing the batteries re-charge and I've got a ton of things done which I've had on hold for months. I wish I could take off a week every month! I wonder what my boss would say to that.....
Well, today I'm off to Amsterdam with my mum to show her the Jordaan area. In the past, she's just seen the center, which is nice, but really geared towards tourism. The Jordaan revolves around the locals with lots of very good restaurants and tidy well kept houses. It's still within easy walking distance of the center, which is good since mum had a new knee not so long ago.
Anyway, time to go and enjoy.

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